Travel Lucky

Ok, blurb first. I don’t believe in coincidences. Things happen for a reason. (cliché, I know. whatever.) I want to believe in luck, but experience with lotto tickets says no. Even so, I will use the word lucky and its synonyms because to write blessed or privileged here makes me sounds like a pretentious twit. Preamble over, let’s go ahead.

I’m travelling and recognise that I’ve been very lucky to be on such a nice trip. I recognise that not everyone can afford the time or money to travel. I toured Beijing for a week with my parents, then Malaysia for an old workmate’s wedding, and then Singapore for fun. Now I’m home in North America for two weeks and Christmas.

But not only that, I’ve been surprisingly lucky in terms of timing. Since Cathay Pacific is based in Hong Kong, I’ve been there 4 times just flying home.

  1. Flight from Beijing to Hong Kong. The parents were scheduled to fly at 10am. I was scheduled to fly out at 630pm, but on standby for an earlier flight at 12pm. By original flight plans, I would have arrived in HK at 10pm and would be flying out the next morning for Singapore at 8am = barely any sleep. Beijing being what it is, rush hour starts at 630am. That meant 515am wake up, leaving the hotel at 6am and aiming to arrive by 8am. We arrived at 715am. Mum offered to take my luggage so I wouldn’t be so burdened. At the counter, Mum asked about earlier flights. The woman said, “I can fit all 3 of you for the 8am flight.” but because the luggage would never make it on time, Mum suggested I take it by myself. I ran for security, jumped 8 people in the queue after explaining, got through an individual scanning and ran for the gate. I made it and was so chuffed. Sweaty and moist, but chuffed.
  2. Shuttle from Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA). I’d missed it before, and it only leaves hourly at 45 minutes past the hour. This time, in line at immigration, I noticed it was 11:39am. There was no hope of jumping the queue here. But cheers to Asian efficiency, I made it out in 4 minutes with 5 people ahead of me. I trotted quickly to the bus bay, and saw that it was there! I ran for it and made it on the bus. It was 11:47am. And they’re usually quite punctual with arrival/departure times. I made it to the hotel, got a room upgrade (sweet as!), had a shower, connected to the wifi and felt so much better. By the time I had a leisurely sushi lunch, I was literally walking in the door with Mum and Dad.
  3. Shuttle from Singapore to Malaysia. Based on original projections, I would miss the bus with the other wedding guests, so there were other normal busses available for the ride across the border. I arrived at Singapore and after a bit of figuring things out, walked to the bus bay. According to the online schedule, the bus wasn’t due to arrive for another 45 minutes. A man walked towards me and said, “Where are you going?” I named my destination and he said urgently, “Come! Come! That’s the bus pulling away!” I thought, “Yeah right, as if you can make the bus stop.” and rolled my eyes internally. But he did manage to get it to stop, and I got on. Later, the groom said I was lucky to get the bus since it’s can be difficult to catch, he’s never gotten it.

I do feel very lucky and like someone’s watching out for me. I don’t mind travel. I don’t get anxious over flying. I hate everyone else’s response, especially crying babies on flights. But without catching these forms of transport when I did, it would’ve been a very bad trip, for which I am thankful.

Sweet Somethings

There are certain instances when we let our guard down, even the most guarded of us. P came back from his trip in HK on Thursday night. We had Korean for lunch the next day. Then we went back to his place, and after some sleepy cuddling, I suggested we take a nap.

It was a good nap, surprisingly. Normally we sleep back to back on our sides. Your body naturally resists another body trapping and cutting off blood circulation in your arm. And most of us aren’t accustomed to hot breath regularly being blown across our neck/cheeks whilst trying to sleep. But somehow, despite being physically close (I did get hot and kicked back the covers on my side), we both slept.

When we woke up, while we were still drowsy, I murmured, “If you moved back to the UK, would you want me to come with you?” P replied affirmatively, saying he’d want me with him. P then gave reassurances that he wasn’t planning on moving back anytime soon. (Damn.)

I would say with reasonable confidence that I then proceeded to give a mind-blowing blowjob. Considering that he reported that he saw stars, and couldn’t quite recall le petit mort afterwards. Afterwards, he rhetorically asked, “What did I do to deserve you?” and kissed me on the cheek. Awww 🙂

Yes I’m smirking. Like that cat who got the cream. Because I did. Apologies for the lack of class and subtlety.